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Protect offers plenty of choice, and lots of options to tailor cover to your client’s personal needs. It’s suitable for both self employed and employed people.  


Covers up to £100,000 of income before tax with a maximum benefit of £57,000 a year.


Own Occupation

Covers your client for the job they actually do.



Age costed guaranteed premiums offer:

  • Option of back to day one cover only available if you choose cover until retirement (long term cover).
  • Choice of 1, 4, 8, 13, 26 and 52 week deferred periods.
  • This type of premium offers low cost initial guaranteed premiums which rise with age. We’ll be clear about dates and amounts of increases, in the policy schedule.

Level guaranteed premiums offer:

  • A choice of 4, 8, 13, 26 and 52 week deferred periods.
  • A guaranteed level premium throughout the term of the policy.


Benefit periods

  • Choice of 1, 2 or 5 years or until the policy ends.
  • Pays weekly or monthly into your client’s bank account or directly to their mortgage lender.
  • Choose a benefit amount from £216 to £4,750 a month.


Increasing Cover

An option you can choose that pays benefits that go up each year in line with RPI. Includes the option to pause increases in cover and premiums.


Making changes

When life changes, your client can make changes to their policy. In some cases, we won’t ask any extra health and lifestyle questions. You can find full details in our terms and conditions.


Sick Pay Protection

Our sick pay protection allows us to be flexible at point of claim for teachers and doctors, surgeons, nurses, midwives and dentists that have NHS sick pay.


Fracture Cover

You can add Fracture Cover to new Protect policies. There is an extra cost for this.


Children's Critical Illness Cover

You can add Children's Critical Illness Cover to new Protect policies. There is an extra cost for this.