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If you think more people should be aware of the importance of Income Protection…the feeling’s mutual


  • Introducing our Children's Critical Illness Cover

    We’re pleased to introduce Children’s Critical Illness Cover. It’s our new, optional benefit available to add to new Protect and Breathing Space policies, at an additional cost.

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  • We've paid out £5m in IP claims in 2023

    The five most common reasons for claims were: musculoskeletal, chest/lung/nose/throat, surgery, mental illness and cancer.

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  • We paid 90% of all claims in 2022

    Protecting your clients when it matters most.

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  • We’re pleased to launch Fracture Cover

    Fracture Cover is our latest benefit offering, available to add to your client’s new Income Protection policy for an additional £4 per month...

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  • Introducing our new and inclusive Protect

    Offering more certainty on price with both level guaranteed and age-costed guaranteed premium options

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  • We have made three senior appointments to the British Friendly team

    We are delighted to welcome Alex Yates, Claire May and Charlene Harvey to the British Friendly team

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  • Enhanced Income Protection For Your Clients

    We’re delighted to announce some exciting enhancements to our full Income Protection product range

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  • Shorter deferred periods to help protect your customers.

    We are proud to re-introduce shorter deferred periods for our Protect and Breathing Space products

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  • Welcoming Claire Kelly to the British Friendly team as our new Proposition Director…

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  • Meet our new CEO, Simon Owens

    We have appointed our chief financial officer, Simon Owens, as the new chief executive.

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