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If you think more people should be aware of the importance of Income Protection…the feeling’s mutual


  • We paid 97.8% of all our claims in 2015

    British Friendly is the first insurer to announce 2015 claims stats

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  • British Friendly's new fully responsive quote and apply website

    Changes include updates to online application, bank account details and BMI

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  • Iain Clark introducing change at British Friendly

    New Distribution and Marketing Director has plans for change

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  • Could the government help raise awareness on the importance of IP?

    Mark Myers comments on the government's plans for a sick pay savings scheme

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  • British Friendly hires Iain Clark

    Former LV= boss joins British Friendly team

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  • Smaller insurers driving innovation in protection industry

    How British Friendly helps drive innovation in protection

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  • British Friendly self-employed survey results

    Self-employed consumers show surprising lack of trust in insurance providers

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  • Why industry transparency around claims stats is so important

    Mark Myers calls for more providers to release their claims stats earlier

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  • Why claims stats are so important for the protection industry

    Mark Myers comments on industry claims debate

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  • British Friendly's 2014 claims stats revealed

    96.7% of all Income Protection claims last year

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