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If you think more people should be aware of the importance of Income Protection…the feeling’s mutual


  • We paid 95% of all claims over the last 15 years

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  • How we’ve supported you and your clients through the pandemic and beyond

    2020 has not been an easy year for anyone but this has only made us more determined to support you and your clients through this pandemic and beyond.

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  • How British Friendly’s discretionary Mutual Benefits programme supports people facing Breast Cancer during the pandemic

    Since the start of the pandemic there has been a significant drop in the number of people receiving diagnosis and treatment of cancer through the NHS.

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  • Recover your mental wellbeing

    1 in 4 people will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives...

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  • We've made key underwriting changes

    We are doing all we can to help advisers get their clients the cover they need with the minimum of disruption and complexity

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  • We pay 94% of 2019 claims

    We are proud to announce that we paid out 94% of our claims in 2019 and 96% of claims over the last 14 years.

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  • Launching our 2019 Claims Report

    Have a read over our recently launched Claims Report...

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  • Gordon Hull joins British Friendly

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  • Our latest case study: Neil's Story

    Read about how we helped Neil during his battle with cancer and sepsis...

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  • Two new benefits added to Mutual Benefits

    Celebrating Mutual Benefits 2nd Birthday with 2 brand new benefits...

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