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If you think more people should be aware of the importance of Income Protection…the feeling’s mutual


  • Best Individual IP and Best New Product - Cover Awards 2016

    We're pleased to announce that we've received two awards at this year's event...

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  • Gold ratings from Protection Review

    We're pleased to announce that we've received gold ratings on Care Assistance Benefit and Death Benefit...

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  • British Friendly CEO resigns

    Our CEO, Mark Myers, has announced he will resign at the end of 2016...

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  • Care Assistance Benefit launched

    We're pleased to announce that we've added another discretionary benefit for all members...

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  • iPipeline launch

    Our products are now available on iPipeline...

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  • Product update - short term deferred periods

    We've added more deferred periods to our short term products...

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  • Brand update

    We're pleased to announce we've updated our brand...

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  • We've launched a new 6 month death benefit for all new and existing policyholders

    Benefits would be paid following the death of an insured policyholder as a lump sum equivalent to 6 months of their IP benefit

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  • Launch of online auto acceptance and 5 star Defaqto rating

    Our new online auto acceptance system will make it easier for advisers to use British Friendly

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  • 96.7% of all our claims paid over the last decade

    British Friendly announces it's 10 year claims stats

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