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If you think more people should be aware of the importance of Income Protection…the feeling’s mutual


  • British Friendly awarded 5 Stars Defaqto Rating and B- AKG Financial Rating in 2019

    We are delighted that we’ve been awarded a 5-star rating for our Protect, our main Income Protection product, from Defaqto, the leading independent reviewer of financial services.

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  • 2018 Claims Stats Announced

    Paying claims is at the heart of our business...

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  • We have added Terminal Illness Benefit for all insured members

    We’ve enhanced our discretionary Death Benefit and Bereavement Benefit with the option to advance these payments in the form of a Terminal Illness Benefit, giving greater support to our members or their families who are facing a terminal diagnosis.

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  • Gavin's Story

    Find out how we helped one of our members, Gavin, when his world was turned upside down...

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  • Iain Clark will be stepping down as CEO

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  • Did you know many protection insurance policies now come with extra benefits?

    With British Friendly Income Protection, members can access a range of benefits at no extra cost through Mutual Benefits...

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  • Extended Legal Services through Mutual Benefits

    We're pleased to announce that we've extended the legal services available on Mutual Benefits to benefit both members and their immediate family...

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  • British Friendly introduces new Mutual Benefit

    We are delighted to announce our new partnership with vehicle leasing experts Tilsun Group, giving our members access to exclusive offers on car and van leases through our discretionary Mutual Benefits Programme

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  • Celebrating our 50th year in Bedford

    We’re delighted to be celebrating our 50th year in Bedford this year!

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  • Introducing our Recovery Support Benefit

    At British Friendly, we’re here with you every step of the way from claim to recovery

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