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If you think more people should be aware of the importance of Income Protection…the feeling’s mutual


  • British Friendly launch new Mutual Support app

    Our new Mutual Support app gives members access to free healthcare services 24/7

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  • British Friendly introduce new Mutual Benefits app

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  • Income Protection can prevent things from unravelling

    Far too many individuals take the risk of having no protection if a long-term illness or disability stops them for working

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  • British Friendly's new benefit programme

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  • Making IP easier for advisers

    Income Protection advice for advisers

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  • IP has become the safety net for you and your family

    Protecting your income protects your family

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  • We have paid 96% of our claims

    96% of claims paid in 2016

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  • 2016 paid claims data announced

    We paid 96.13% of all our claims in 2016

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  • British Friendly announces new CEO

    Iain Clark has been announced as our new CEO after recent announcement that Mark Myers will step down in 2017...

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  • Supporting 'Building Resilient Households'

    British Friendly have sponsored the CII's new report on Building Resilient Households in the UK

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