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If you think more people should be aware of the importance of Income Protection…the feeling’s mutual


  • After a successful trial our Immediate Support Payment has been made permanent

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  • We're supporting Disability Rights UK as one of our charities of the year

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  • British Friendly wins three LifeSearch awards

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  • We've introduced three new initiatives to our discretionary Mutual Benefits programme

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  • We are trialling a new payment initiative to speed up the payment process

    The new initiative is available for claims on policies which have been in force for at least 3 months

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  • We paid 96.7% of all claims over the last 12 years & 92.4% in 2017

    We're proud to announce our 12 year & 2017 claims payment statistics

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  • British Friendly launch three new initiatives to help members feel financially fit and healthy...

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  • Mutual Benefits now covers your loved ones...

    New Mutual Benefit enhancements benefit both the member and their loved ones...

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  • Bereavement Benefit added to all insured policies

    A new discretionary benefit called Bereavement Benefit has been added to both new and existing insured policies...

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  • British Friendly appoints Julie Greenwood as Distribution Director

    Greenwood has twenty years of experience in Financial Services across IFA and tied distribution and joins from VitalityLife.

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